Thursday 13 March 2008

Panic! and other issues...

Right people, let's get one thing straight.

Just because I happen to live in Europe, does NOT mean I will be attending the multitude of festivals happening over the course of the summer. Sure, I'd like to attend Download, Roskilde, Rock am Ring and Give it a Name. Thing is, I really don't fancy sharing a campsite with over 300k people. I bitch if there's more than 300 people at a gig. Savvy?
To compensate, I will be checking out individual gigs. Such as Panic At The Disco's HMV in store appearance on Monday. They might even sign a penguin for me.
Despite all the shit I'm going to get from my mates about this, I'm really curious to hear their new album. I loved their debut. Let's see what they can offer up next. Here, in the meantime is their video: Nine in the Afternoon. Enjoy.

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