Monday 29 October 2007

New Singles...

First up, Jimmy Eat World's new single Big Casino.
The video is on YouTube - I just can't embed it at the moment.

Look out for my full album review coming soon.

There's also the new single from Nightwish sporting thier brand spanking new frontlady Anette Olzon. Look out for it - Bye Bye Baby.

Thursday 11 October 2007

It gets under your skin.

This song may be old, but it does get into your head and under your skin.

Monday 8 October 2007

It's Award Season Again

Who has won over the MTV hoards this year???

Will Linkin Park show Fall Out Boy and MCR what 'Rocking Out' is all about? Or will the fangirls crash the server, again?

Will newbies Tokio Hotel beat out comeback kids Linkin Park as 'Band of 2007'?

Will Depeche Mode be acknowledged?

And will a British group actually stand a chance against the strong American presence.

It is after all the EUROPE music awards. So why can we only count Muse, Arctic Monkeys, Amy Winehouse, Depeche Mode and The Chemical Brothers as the only European acts in the line up???? Did MTV fail geography?

The ceremony takes place in November. Hosted in Munich, Germany (which went down so well in 2001). No further details were available.

Saturday 6 October 2007

Motion City Soundtrack @ Astoria , London - 5 October 2007

Last night, instead of falling in love without someone, I fell back in love with Motion City Soundtrack.
This completely underrated pop punk act from Minneapolis, USA has been on tour for the past few months promoting thier new album - Even If It Kills Me - which, by the way, is a phenomenal collection of love songs I am way overdue to review.

So tonight, with Mother in tow, I landed at the Astoria very sober and ready for action.
We caught Starlight Run half way through thier act. Not too bad. Bonus points for lead female, yet, not too memorable.

Next up was Zolof The Rock & Roll Destroyer. Mouthy name, but pretty good Pixies-ish band. Kept the raucous crowd somewhat in line.

Then came the headliners, the reason we were there. And man, what a show. Justin controlled and encaptivated the audience, who was singing every song word for word back to him. The set list included old staples such as LG FUAD, Attractive Today, Red Dress, newbies - Opening with Fell in Love Without You, Antonia, This is For Real, Broken Heart, It Had To Be You, and Point of Extinction.
The set was tight with nearly no techinical issues except for the roadie removing Justin's guitar before thier encore, which was rather was a you-had-to-be-there-moment.

I would have loved to meet them just to say - Well Done boys! The album is fabulous, the show rocks and please, would you sign my wrist cast.
We can't have it all...i guess.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

The Bandwagon

Ever since the Oscar winning success of the Johnny Cash biopic, Walk The Line, Hollywood has decided that musical biopics are the way to go. And how do you do a musical biopic? Use current musicians, of course.

There's the Joe Strummer movie- The Future is Unwritten, the Bob Dylan movie - I'm Not There (with Cate Blanchett as Bob - and yes, she pulls it off), and now, the Dewey Cox movie - Walk Hard.

I'll be the first to admit it, I have no idea who Dewey Cox is, but the trailer has me eager to see it. John C Reilly (last seen singing in 2003's Chicago) takes the lead with cameos from nearly every big star at the moment. The deal clincher for me, however, was seeing Jack White of The White Stripes play Elvis.

Here's the trailer: