Tuesday 2 October 2007

The Bandwagon

Ever since the Oscar winning success of the Johnny Cash biopic, Walk The Line, Hollywood has decided that musical biopics are the way to go. And how do you do a musical biopic? Use current musicians, of course.

There's the Joe Strummer movie- The Future is Unwritten, the Bob Dylan movie - I'm Not There (with Cate Blanchett as Bob - and yes, she pulls it off), and now, the Dewey Cox movie - Walk Hard.

I'll be the first to admit it, I have no idea who Dewey Cox is, but the trailer has me eager to see it. John C Reilly (last seen singing in 2003's Chicago) takes the lead with cameos from nearly every big star at the moment. The deal clincher for me, however, was seeing Jack White of The White Stripes play Elvis.

Here's the trailer:

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